Friday, March 6, 2009


I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I had to ask Keegan to repeat himself. I asked him how he got that scab under his eye and he replied "K" took his pencil and poked me. I was shocked. I asked him what he did to "K." He replied "I was telling him that he couldn't write on that." This little boy didn't like what he was being told so he stabbed Keegan with his pencil. He just barely missed his eye. I was stunned! Of course, we talked with his teacher the next day to get the whole story. Keegan knew exactly what he was talking about. This other little boy was suspended for 2 days. Thankfully the school takes violence very seriously. I can't imagine my 4 year old being suspended. This little boy has only been at the school for a month and they definitely have their hands full with him.


Keren said...

Ouch! Poor buddy :( thank goodness his eye was spared!

Ram? Dinner? soon!

tscarter7 said...

Oh! We are so glad to hear that Keegan is ok!!! Thank you Jesus for protecting him!

Penny said...

Goodness! :(

The Elfers said...

Scary! I am glad the school handled it so quickly and that Keegan came out of it with only a scab!