Monday, March 24, 2008


I am so excited that Keegan is making progress in the potty department. Up to this point he had no interest in potty training. We have tried everything....candy, stickers on a chart, big boy underwear, pull ups. You name it, we have tried it. I figured he will do it when he is ready. Well, I decided to get some new big boy underwear for his Easter basket. After changing his poppy diaper this morning I asked him if he wanted to try his new big boy underwear on. Keegan said sure. I was schocked when he left them on for more than 2 seconds. He wore them all morning without any accidents. He tried to use the potty multiple times, but never went. Right before naptime I told him that he needed to try and use the potty one more time and then we would put a diaper on him. I set him on the potty and went in to use the bathroom myself. I suprised when Keegan came running into the bathroom 3 seconds later saying that he went pee in the potty. I decided to check the little potty and sure enough he did it! There was lots of praising going on at our house at that moment. We ran right out to Daddy's office to tell him the exciting news. We then put a sticker on the potty chart and Keegan called Grandma to tell her the exciting news.

I know some of you are thinking big deal! He wore uderwear for half a day and peed in the potty one time. Well, to us it is a HUGE deal! I am so excited that Keegan is finally willing to at least try using the potty or wear his big boy underwear. I hope this is the start of Keegan becoming potty trained! It will be really nice to only have child in diapers.


Penny said...

WTG Keegan! Believe me I understand where you are coming from having had a struggle with Tim.

Violet said...

that is great news!! I know the feeling, and that's just how Coop started. He didn't want anything to do with it and then out of the blue one day, he started going. Hope it keeps up for you.