Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurtful Experiences

Why is that those people that should love, care and respect us the most hurt us the most? I am awful at letting things that bother me build up inside until I can no longer take it and then I explode. This is something that I have been forced to deal with for the last couple of years and I am tired, hurt, disappointed, angry, saddened...I have a range of emotions. I hate confrontation, but I get to the point where I don't care, I just can't carry the burden any longer. How do you confront someone who seems to think they are better than you and that they deserve special treatment? The hardest part for me is that my child seems to get the brunt of most of this hurtful treatment. Thankfully, he doesn't notice it (yet)! How do I explain this to him as he gets older? I am praying about this situation and trying to figure out a way to make it better. Unfortunately, it is not a situation that I can just remove my family from. Please keep us in your prayers as I struggle along and seek out guidance from godly men and women and ultimately seek God's will in this matter.


Keren said...

::hugs:: Im here for you girly!! Just call me anytime...I'll always listen :) thats what best friends do! Hang in there :) Love you!

God Made Playdough said...

I'm sorry you're going through this! Love ya!

Jenny said...

Angela, I am the same when it comes to confrontation. I tend to allow myself to be a doormat and let people walk on me just so that I can continue to have their approval. I have become more bold, though, as I've gotten older and I can't say that it's really been beneficial. I don't know how exactly to advise you, except to just do what you're doing - pray, pray, pray for this person and seek godly council in how to confront in love. I will be praying for you as God shows you the best way to handle this situation.

Penny said...

Yeah I don't like confrontation either. I tend to try and do stuff that makes for peace but I think it is a bit different when it is affecting your children. {hugs}

Try and use "I" statements and focus on the behaviour that isn't acceptable. e.g. "I feel [insert feeling] when you [insert behaviour]". I think it is okay to be assertive about things. Jesus wasn't afraid to tell people about their wrong behaviour and His example is wonderfully inspiring. He did it with truth and mercy. He had right judgement about things and also demonstrated in His own life the type of behaviour that is acceptable. Of course, the people he dealt with didn't always react positively, but you have no control over that side of things really.

Amanda Hug'n Kiss said...

Hey Angela, I came across your blog today by way of Amy's blog.
I just felt compelled to say that I hear what you are saying. I too feel that it often seems that so much negativity can come from the people closest to you, the people who's support you crave most. And I like you don't do the confrontation well, I just continue to let it hurt me.
Anyway, I just wanted to post a comment because this was a big part of the theme of my week last week. ((hugs))