Friday, January 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping is not one of those tasks that I enjoy. I do it because I have to. Now, I could wander around the grocery store for hours (especially in those specialty stores) and just look and take in all the new and strange items. I find it relaxing to just roam the store and dream of all the new recipes I could concoct with such great finds. Am I the only one that finds this fun? Please tell me that others find this therapeutic too!!!

I must make a list of meals that I am planning to prepare before I can make my grocery list. That way I know what items to put on my list. I have found that if I just go shopping without a list I come home with tons of groceries, but never seem to have all the ingredients to prepare an entire meal. How is it that with my pantry stocked to the gills that I can be missing an essential element to any recipe? I still don't understand how that happens. Well, it does.

Another problem with shopping is that I seem to back track in the store. As I double check my list before heading to the check out line I always find a few items that I forgot. I end up returning to parts of the store that I had just seen minutes before. Thankfully, I had them on my list though.

Well, I have found an answer to both those problems (thanks to my MIL, Bev). She told me about another professional organizers website. I found an excellent form for meal planning and my grocery list all in one place. I print out a bunch of these at one time so that I always have some on hand. They break down my list by types of foods/areas of the store. Now when I am in the produce section of the store I look at the produce section of my list. I rarely miss things on my list anymore. Try it for yourself and let me know how it works for you.

One benefit to menu planning and shopping using this list is that I don't purchase as many impulse items. Knowing that I have a specific meal plan gives me a sense of peace knowing that we will eat well and that I don't have to try and fill that void by picking up junk. In turn this saves us money.

You can find it under the Personal section of free forms. It is called Grocery List/Menu Planner

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thanks, I just printed one! Normally I'm pretty good about getting everything on my list without backtracking, but I'm sure it would make more sense to organize it by category.